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A local Christian TV personality has said she is pro-choice. She quickly adds that she, personally, would not have an abortion, but believes women should have the right to choose. OK. What does that reveal about her view of God? That’s the conversation I want to have.

Which of God’s attributes does she distort in order to make allowing for the taking of an innocent life acceptable to Him? For example, what does it say about God’s love if He is okay with cutting the arms and legs off of a fetus?

The bent god she must create in order to allow for the killing of babies in the womb is a false god and she doesn’t even know it.

We must fight for the lives of the unborn because of who God really is. Pro-choice “Christians” are a symptom of a much bigger problem.

We can trace all our human problems to an inaccurate view of God.

--Bill Bright

If you want to know who God really is and why it matters read GOD, Who Are You Anyway by Bill Bright (with Brad Bright).

©2020 Brad Bright

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God created Ahmaud Arbery in His image. Apparently Gregory McMichael and his son, Travis, didn’t know that.

You see, Gregory and Travis probably learned all about Survival of the Fittest growing up in school. You know the theory: the strong survive and the weak get culled out of the herd in the relentless advance of Evolution. That’s what I was taught growing up in public school. It’s all pretty impersonal—until someone actually applies Darwin’s theory to real life with all their prejudices intact.

Is someone strong or weak because of skin color? Darwin requires we answer with: it depends who comes out on top. Racism feeds on such a view of the world.

Unless we start teaching our children they are created in the image of God, not merely the byproduct of Natural Selection, racial violence will continue to metastasize no matter how much the social justice warriors pontificate about white privilege. Either we will deal with the underlying cause, our view of God, or we will continue to experience the predatory consequences of Darwin’s theory.

The Ahmaud Arberys of the world will never be safe from self-deluded racists until Americans recognize that every person is created in the image of God. Without that profound conviction, the words “All men are created equal,” ring hollow indeed.

So our choice is: will we continue to raise our children on a steady diet of Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest, or will we teach the next generation that every individual is intrinsically valuable because we are each created by God in His own image? It’s not a cure-all for man’s bent nature, but it would be a huge step in the right direction.

GOD is the issue.

My heart breaks for Ahmaud’s mother, father and family. So does the heart of God.

©2020 Brad Bright

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Do you believe prayer really works? How do you know?

Consider the following questions:

How many times do I pray each day?


Three times?

Ten times?

Without ceasing?

Which of those responses do you think reveals a person who believes prayer really works?

When a curve ball comes into my life is my primary reaction:


Problem solving?


Which of those responses do you think reveals a person who believes prayer really works?

When I see babies being slaughtered across America is my primary response:




Which of those responses do you think reveals a person who believes prayer really works?

When I see injustice, is my primary response:


Assigning blame?


Which of those responses do you think reveals a person who believes prayer really works?

When the Covid-19 virus launched its assault on America, was my primary reaction:




Which of those responses do you think reveals a person who believes prayer really works?

As I watch the the U.S. economy collapse how do I primarily respond?


Civil disobedience?


Which of those responses do you think reveals a person who believes prayer really works?

Yeah, I just said “Ouch!” too.

I think we can all agree that our nation is facing HUGE problems. People are dying. Unemployment is skyrocketing. The national debt is now beyond our ability to repay it. Our enemies are actively trying to destroy us. And our politicians are squabbling like a bunch of three-year-olds.

Isn’t it about time we started acting like we believe prayer actually works?

Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. It’s a great day to start a new habit—PRAY.


©2020 Brad Bright

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